Kaye's Beauty

Nov 7, 2020

How do I take care of my neck skin

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

We all want to look our best with the holiday season coming in. I mean with everything that's been going, the is the one thing we need and deserve. We do everything to take care of our face, from trying the latest cream to trying other creams to keep wrinkles away but what about our neck. I think we focus so much of attention on our face that we forget that the skin below the face also requires equal attention. In fact we spend money on expensive treatments on our backs, shoulders and legs but ignore our neck. Have you noticed that the neck has been 'left out'.

We realize this a bit too late, its only when you start seeing the sgging skin below your chin or the dull skin on your neck that you begin to pay attention to it.

Anyways it's not too late to start... Here are some useful to do's that can help you...

Apply your face products on your skin as well...

The easiest and most useful beauty tip is to apply you face cream and serum on to your neck, caz lets face it we all put a little too much product on our face. So, use some of that excess product on to your neck. It's also important to properly apply it to your neck. When applying cream to your face make sure that you apply it from bottom to top and not the other way around. Also don't apply the product in a circular motion. Using a beauty tool such as a face massager will help absorb the product faster, what's more this beauty tool gives 6000 vibrations per minute- really enabling the product to go deep within the skin (click here to buy).

Oils work really well to rejuvenate your neck...

Oils such as Argan oil or Olive oil are really good in moisturizing and rejuvenating your neck area. What I love about these oils is that it absorbs really quickly in comparison to the other oils like Coconut oil or Almond oil, leaving your skin moisturizing and supple.

Don't over do it...

Too much of anything is never good. Similarly don't over massage your neck. When massaging make sure you are massaging with an oil or a cream to avoid damaging the skin on your neck. Also massage it for about 10-15 minutes with 2-3 one minute breaks in between.

Don't forget to exfoliate your neck...

Your neck like any other part of your skin needs exfoliation. You can either do it with a wash cloth or a loofah or a face scrub, any of them will work. But if you have active acne on your neck then I suggest you use a gentle exfoliator and exfoliate with care.

You can apply a toner to your neck as well...

If you are applying a toner to your face then applying it to your neck will not hurt. You can either pat it on like how you apply it to your face or apply it with a cotton pad. Massage it on to your skin in an upward motion.

Sunscreen, Sunscreen, Sunscreen...

This goes without saying don't forget to apply sunscreen to your neck. We often apply it only to our face and forget to apply it to our neck. DON'T! Apply it on your neck as well.

Kaye's Beauty Book is here to help you choose better products that suit your skin, hair and lifestyle. All of the products mentioned are carefully researched and selected to ensure that the most credible information comes to you. If you do buy a product from one of our links, Kaye's Beauty Book may earn a commission.

II DISCLAIMER: Every skin is different, not everything works for everybody. I recommend you test the product before completely using any new product. II